
Tired of sifting through 401(k) fee disclosures?

PlanScanner™ removes the time and effort needed to manually analyze a 401(k) fee disclosure – a natural step in converting a prospect to a client. With PlanScanner™, simply ask a prospect for a fee disclosure and drop it into PlanScanner™. You’ll be able to instantly offer your prospects analysis on their current plan, its fees and how it can be improved, allowing you to quickly guide conversations into how and where you can help.

Tired of sifting through 401(k) fee disclosures?
Time Savings

Free yourself from tedious data entry. Do in seconds, what takes your competitors hours

Robust Analysis

Instantly assess fiduciary compliance, fee savings and create prospect-friendly reports

Artificial Intelligence

Recognizes 408(b)(2) and 404(a)(5) fee disclosures from numerous providers including scanned PDFs


Analyze plan fees using our software or download to excel to analyze offline

Engage Hot Leads

Research shows engaging prospects as quickly and effectively as possible is a key determiner in prospecting success. In fact, 78% of prospects buy from the company that responds to their inquiry first according to a study by Lead Connect. Use PlanScanner to provide powerful analysis instantly so that you can engage qualified prospects while your competitors labor with data entry.

Engage Hot Leads

Leverage Artificial Intelligence

Analyzing a retirement plan’s fee disclosure often requires digging through a PDF, repetitive copy+paste, and the use of a search engine to identify investments. Time-consuming, tedious tasks like 401(k) fee disclosure analysis are a key area where artificial intelligence (AI) can have an impact. It allows PlanScanner to process PDF disclosures from numerous providers including scanned PDFs. A proprietary AI algorithm instantly analyzes fee disclosures, finds the investment fees table and extracts it for analysis.

Leverage Artificial Intelligence

Available with a PlanPro PREMIUM subscription or via API